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Can I apply for the Netherlands Work Permit Visas

How do I get a Work Permit in the Netherlands?

The Netherlands is one of the most stable economies in the European Union and among the richest as well. This makes it a paradise for job seekers who are looking for growth in their careers. There are a lot of international companies which have their offices in the Netherlands, and by providing tax breaks, the constant updating of the government policies is also a good place for small businesses to flourish.
It is rated among the list of top ten best countries for work and life balance. Thus, if you are planning to move to the Netherlands for work, this is a good time.
The rules for getting a work permit in the Netherlands revolved around the nationality of the applicant. There are different rules for EU / EEA citizens and Non-EU/ EEA citizens.

EU/ EEA citizens

These are the citizens of European Union countries or Switzerland, and they are free to live and work in any other EU country. To do so, they do not require any work visa or permanent residency.

Non – EU/ EEA Citizen

For applicants who are not part of the European Union region or Switzerland, they require a work visa or Permanent residency status to work in the Netherlands. Also, the criteria will depend on the following

  • If the length of stay should be less than 90 days. In such case, one needs to apply for a short stay visa or TWV (tewerkstellingsvergunning)
  • If the length of stay is more than 90 days, then a work permit or Highly skilled Migrant residence permit is needed

The two types of Work Permit for Netherlands are –

  • Tewerkstellingsvergunning – TMV ( Work permit)
  • gecombineerdevergunning voor verblijf en arbeid – GVVA ( combined residence and work permit)

The authorized body which issues these work permits is Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen – UWV ( Employment Insurance Agency ). It has the same criteria to assess the applicants for both TWV and GVVA. The only difference in the issue of these work permits is the duration of stay.

When is a work permit issued to the applicant?

There are some norms that need to be met before a work permit is given to any interested party. These are –

  • The employer was unable to find a suitable applicant for a Job from EEA or Switzerland for the vacant position
  • The vacant position was unfilled for at least five weeks in the last three weeks and was difficult to fill by someone from the country.
  • It is the UWV that will decide if the position is difficult to find or not.

The workers who are included in the work permit list are –

  • Students who also work for more than 16 hours a week
  • Interns
  • On the Job trainees
  • Artists who earn more than the basic pay
  • Spiritual leaders and ministers
  • Asylum seekers who work for up to 24 weeks
  • Nuns, Monks, and Gurus

What are the requirements for getting a work permit in the Netherlands?

The requirements for the Work permit in the Netherlands are as follows –

  • The Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Department (IND) processes the application in English, Dutch, French, or German
  • The applicant should have a valid passport and all other essential travel documents
  • The applicant should have a clean medical and police record
  • He should have sufficient income to pay for the interim period
  • The Netherland Government officials should recognize the employer.

How to get a Work permit in the Netherlands?

In order to get a Work permit in the Netherlands, the employer needs to prove that he is a suitable candidate in the EU; only then the Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen – UWV ( Employment Insurance Agency ) will issue the work permit.

The steps for getting a work permit in the Netherlands include –

  • Get hired by the company or a Temporary employment agency
  • Apply for the TMV
  • Send a copy of TMV along with identification details to the hiring company
  • The applicant‘s document is assessed, and records are kept for reference.

The application for a GVVA needs to be submitted to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Department (IND). Then the UWV will decide the applicant’s ability to work and settle in the Netherlands. The assessment of the applicant by the UWV is done as per the Aliens Employment Act ( Wav).

What are the documents needed for the work permit in the Netherlands?

The documents needed for the work permit in the Netherlands are –

  • Invitation letter from a Dutch company that has called you for selection. Mention the address and date of your visit
  • Letter from the employer who will engage with you upon your visit
  • proof of previous trade relations between the two countries
  • The memorandum and Article of association
  • Bank statement of the last six months to establish financial stability

Who does not require a work permit in the Netherlands?

The following are exempt from the work permit in the Netherlands –

  • Workers who have Dutch Citizenship or are from the EU/ EEA region
  • Individuals who are outside the EU/ EEA region but they have a residence permit with a note “ permitted to work.”
  • Individuals who are holders of verblijfsvergunning asiel ( Asylum residence permit)
  • Self-employed foreign nationals with a residence permit for a self-employed person
  • Highly skilled immigrants who can contribute to the economic growth of the country
  • Individuals who have come to Netherlands for specific tasks such as a business meeting or repairing a machine

How can entrepreneurs / Self-employed individuals apply for a work permit in the Netherlands?

Suppose any entrepreneur or Self-employed individual wants to come to the Netherlands to Settle. In that case, they need to apply for a residence permit for self-employment person (verblijfsvergunning voor arbeid als zelfstandige). The applicant should also be able to prove that the business activity he wants to undertake is beneficial for the country. There is a point system that will also help IND make the decision.

The points are as per the following –

  • Personal Experience ( training, work experience, entrepreneurship)
  • Business understanding ( product knowledge, servicing, financing)
  • Added value to the Netherlands ( innovation, employment creation, and investment

Do students require a work permit in the Netherlands?

If the student wants to undertake additional work, then the approved work while his stay in Netherlands then the tewerkstellingsvergunning – TMV ( Work permit) is needed by the student.

It will be approved by the UWV, and then the student can work for up to 16 hours per week for one full-time academic year. However, if the student wants to do an internship, which is part of his course, then no work permit will be required in such a case. The internship agreement needs to be signed between the employer, the intern, and the educational institution.

Also, there is no work permit required for volunteer work in the Netherlands. In such a case, a Volunteer declaration ( vrijwilligersverklaring) is sufficient. This declaration has a validity of three years.

Under some conditions, a volunteer declaration is not needed –

  • For a scientific researcher who has a residence permit under Scientific research ( 2005/71/EC)
  • You are in the orientation year

What is the Cost of getting a work permit in the Netherlands?

The Cost of the visa application will depend on the type of Visa for which you have applied. The Cost of a work visa, ideally in the Netherlands, is EUR 330. Apart from this, you need to prove that you have enough funds to cover your stay till you are settled in the country, which will be around EUR 55 for each day. Your employer or company that is inviting you should mention in their letter the amount of expense that they will cover.


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